
Too often startups and vanilla biz get their process mixed up. Each of them create a kick-ass product or service and then try to figure out what problem it will solve. Once they’ve picked out a problem, they then go out and market the product to individuals and businesses. But many times, the end user has to be convinced that they have a problem in the first place. This is why it having a solid and compelling use-case is essential to a successful business.

What is a use-case?

A use-case is a term used more often in the IT or web development world. It is providing the user with all the essentials, and nothing more, to provide them with what they need. For a web designer to put together a web page for you, they must know who the user is and what you want them to be able to do. Only then can they put together the correct coding to make the website operate the way you want it to.

Why is a Use-Case so Important?

A business can only be successful if the business has clients or customers willing to pay for that product or service. And the only way you can convince them to put up the money or even listen to your sales pitchis to start with the end in mind. The use-case is what you build your conversation around.

How to Build a Successful Use-Case?

Identify the problem — if you haven’t even started a business yet this would be the first thing you do. You must address a problem and you must make sure that the problem you pick is actually a problem in the real world. Some entrepreneurs solve problems that their intended end users don’t think is a problem. If they don’t think it’s a problem, or if it’s only a minor irritation, they most likely will not spend money to fix it.

Come up with a solution — once you’ve identified a problem that people are willing to pay to have fixed you must come up with the best answer you can possibly think of. Fashion the solution around the client — Once you have your solution it’s time to get clients. Figure out what the client’s unique situation is and express the end result from their perspective.

Final Thoughts

The idea of use-case may be hard to grasp when it’s just theory. But it is the cornerstone that everything else is built off. Your marketing, your systems, your staff, and your end user will all build out and up from you use-case. One way to think of it is this; what is the absolute best use of your solution and in what-case would your customer or client get on board. If you have identified those two things correctly, you can be laser focused on where you need to go next.

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