
Consistency is the most important part of being a successful small business owner. Big wins and busts of revenue are exciting, but that’s what not how your idea grows into a real company. Steady revenue and return customers may not make headlines, but that’s something you must always aim for keeping your daily performance consistent and the wheels running.


It is necessary to engage in self care. Ignoring your own well being in an effort to put in more work is often counterproductive, leading to lower productivity and burnout. Unfortunately, many small business owners have taken this idea too far & have allowed the luxury to take precedence over responsibility. All those fun things will be still out there waiting for you after you’ve done with your work. Get things done as soon as you can. The sooner you get your schedule cleared, more time you have for leisure. More importantly, sorting important tasks gives out more room to interact should anything goes wrong.

Business is a stepping stone

Unless your joy lies in workig, your small business is a tool towards what you truly want. Even if you enjoy your product or industry, you are likely not to work in it forever. What you want are the benefits of having a successful small business. If you want financial independence, it is imperative to stay with doing what you do better.

Do More

To a small business, owners always sink in the feeling of stagnate. Having nothing to change, or develop in a day, it represents a massive waste. You will never to that dat back, and there’s always something to do. If you are having trouble figuring out what else you can do for the company, try delegation. Don’t micro manage. Stay positive and healthy. Don’t put the stress on yourselves.

It doesn’t end with you, however. If you’ve done what you can there is still time free. Get involved in communities. Develop relationships with people in your industries and your partners. Look for mentors. Help other small business owners. The more relationships you build, the more allies you can potentially have.

Understand Perfection and How it Fits.

The desire for perfection is a big part of your small business. It is what you will drive you to constantly. Innovate and improve your offering. The desire will push you to further forward, if you let it. It is often taken wrong way, but through out history, many have considered perfection the only acceptable outcome. For your small business to thrive, you can’t make that mistake.

Perfection is impossible. There is no single perfect product. Flaws will come,and whether you want them to or not, they could come from manufacturing, design or even the whims of the market. But the concept of perfection, should not live entirely. If we can, if exceptions are mananged well, remain a shining goal, something that says you can always do better. At worst, it will keep you from resting on laurels.

Do Things ASAP

Procastination is the slow death. You may get things done eventually,but as the head of small business, your procastination affects many of your employees. Late orders or late responses hold up the production line, which affects the overall productivity. Slow starts force you to rush towards the end, which compromises on quality. The sooner you get things done, the more efficient everyone will be, and the better they will perform. This works on a macro level as well. Frontloading your months or quarters with accomplishments and finished tasks leaves you the tail end avaialble for crisis management, analysis and adjustments.

Often, this can snowball into advantages to the next month, which can lead to even more better lead time & better output. Staying highly productive seems like it will burn anyone out, but the secret is, being super productive doesn’t mean working all the time you do have. If you want your startup or small business to thrive under such a leadership, its a distinction you must embrace.

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